Sunday, March 9, 2014

Baby Quilt #2 Finished

Hand is a four letter word. 

I completed this quilt including the label with out hand stitching anything!!!  
I hate hand stitching!!

I was going to machine sew the label into  the corner of the quilt on 2 sides and then i would only  have to  hand stitch it down across the angle but as I was  pinning it on I had a great idea.   I just faced the back of the label with fabric so when it fits in the corner it makes a small finished pocket. 
No hand stitching!!! 

I think this is how I will attach labels from now on.  I have been having good luck printing on fabric with my ink jet printer.  I  have been able to just tape the fabric on the paper and run it through.  I had read that all you have to do is iron it and it heat sets it but today I soaked the label in white vinegar for 5 minutes rinsed it and then ironed it dry. 

Lots of help from my grand cat "Draco"

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