Monday, August 12, 2013

Mom's New Toy

Mom came up for the weekend.  (I an running a few weeks behind it's been about a month)  We always have fun and manage to do some sewing.  First we usually have to hit the fabric stores and the sewing machine shop.  We went into the sewing machine shop and saw this cute little featherweight.  The price was right and Mom just couldn't leave it there.  She has been talking about one for at least 5 years.  I'm so happy she finally got one.

One of the girls at work had a birthday and I needed a gift.  Mom wanted to see how I make these bags so I made one for one of my friends at work and one for her. 
This makes number 11 and 12 bags made this year.  I think its a fun little gift!!

Anyone who knows my Mom knows that hers is the blue one.  

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